Im Always this Close to Screaming
I’m Always this Close to Screaming’ is a literary art project centred around the mental health challenges of the Ninja, illustrated and written by Wendy ...
Hildastr. 5 Freiburg im Breisgau 79102
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Im Always this Close to Screaming

Im Always this Close to Screaming

Im Always this Close to Screaming

Hildastr. 5
79102 Freiburg im Breisgau

Datum: 16.04.2024
Uhrzeit: 19:00

I’m Always this Close to Screaming’ is a literary art project centred around the mental health challenges of the Ninja, illustrated and written by Wendy Zähringer-Hardy with book design, formatting and publishing by Bernd Goldschmidt.

Like a message in a bottle in reverse, the Ninja sets out from the mainland, carried on waves of human kindness to reach people stranded on islands of despair in their own heads. So far the book has landed in over 30 countries – no money exchanged.

At the end of the evening, 10 people will become part of this project, promising to pass the book on or to leave it somewhere for someone to find. Discussion around the creative process and mental health, particularly in the area of relationships and co-dependency. 

Doors: 7pm
Start: 8 pm

Entry: free; donations are requested


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